2025  PMSC Rally X Registration.

Entries for our  Events are being accepted up to 40 Entries. Entries over 40 will be held in order of entry in case any openings become available.

Please be careful to select the CORRECT Date(s)

You may enter several events with one Form.

Just select your dates

Entry fee is $100 for RSO Affiliated club members

Non-RSO affiliated entrants fee is $120 

Payable by Cash, Cheque or E-Transfer ( we do not have a Credit Card facility)  E-Transfer is Preferred

There is a limit of 40 Entries for Each Event.

Payment must be received before an entry is considered complete. Payment by Cheque mail to(allow time for mail delays)

PMSC  c/o Pete Gulliver,

1026 Communication Road

Selwyn, ON K9J 6X2

Don’t forget to submit your Waiver which is good for all PMSC Rally X events 2025  https://pmsc.speedwaiver.com/dfrbr

If you are a Regular  Rally X competitor you may have an assigned number Check

Don’t like the assigned number??  Contact rallyx@pmsc.on.ca
Possibly we will be able to change to a number not yet assigned.

Send E-Transfer to rallyx@pmsc.on.ca   depending on your bank you may need to contact Organizer  with the password


    I have read the supplementary regulations:

    Event Selection

    Driver Information

    List your Ontario Rally X Championship ORXC Car number

    Emergency Contact Information

    Vehicle Information


    For all shared vehicles, please fill out a registration form for EACH driver and indicate the names of the other drivers EACH time. Ex. Three people ( Maximum allowed) sharing one car will have 3 registration forms filled out. This helps load the automatic entry list correctly and accurately for all driver entrants. Thanks!

    Payment Methods

    PMSC is not set up to receive credit card or PayPal payments. Payment options are therefore as follows:

    1) Pay by Cheque - Please make cheques payable to Peterborough Motor Sports Club and mail your cheque to the following address:
    c/o Pete Gulliver
    1026 Communication Road
    Selwyn ON  K9J 6X2

    2) Pay by Interac email money transfer - Please send money transfers to rallyx@pmsc.on.ca

    ChequeInterac E-Transfer