Supplementary Regulations

2025 PMSC Rally X

Applicable to all PMSC Rally Cross dates 2025


Name of Event  ………………………………………………………………


Organizing Committee  …………………………………………………  


Jurisdiction  ……………………………………………………………………


Location  …………………………………………………………………………


Schedule   ………………………………………………………………………


Rally Cross Classes   ………………………………………………………


Entry  ………………………………………………………………………………


Technical Inspection ………………………………………………………


Recce ………………………………………………………………………………


Sponsorship ……………………………………………………………………


Scoring ……………………………………………………………………………


Interruption of a Run  ……………………………………………………


Competitive Runs and Timing  ………………………………………


Penalties    ………………………………………………………………………


Alcohol and Drugs  …………………………………………………………


General Supplementary Safety Rules and Regulations…


Withdrawal or Cancellations  …………………………………………


Use of Drones …………………………………………………………………



1. Name of Event

Peterborough Mitsubishi PMSC Rally X Championship



2. Organizing Committee

  • Organizing Club:                  Peterborough Motor Sports Club
  • Organizer: Pete Gulliver
  • Clerk of the Course: Pete Gulliver
  • Registrar: Pete Gulliver & Team
  • Scrutineer: TBA
  • Scoring: Darin Mayes Timing System


3. Jurisdiction

The Rally Cross will be held under the General Competition Rules of the Canadian Association of Rallysport, the current CARS Rally Cross Regulations and the Rally Cross regulations of Rally Sport Ontario. These publications are available through the CARS website ( or directly through the CARS office, whose address follows:

       Canadian Association of Rallysport

          Box 300 Diamond Valley, AB

                       T0L 2A0


  1. Status

PMSC Rally Crosses are part of Event Series open to all Competitors and Club Championship which is open only to PMSC members.

5.  Location

Free Flow MX Park 5380 Old Hwy 2 Belleville, ON K0K 3A0


44.19069741447758, -77.24887261707968


At no time during the event will a non-licenced competing vehicle use public roads. Organizers ask that vehicles coming to or leaving the venue at any time be driven in a responsible manner. Any violations of the CARS Code of Conduct will not be tolerated.  The organizers also reserve the right to expel any offenders from the event.

All land surrounding the course shall be considered competition area. The course shall be marked with caution tape, pylons, arrows, tires or hay bales as required.

NOTE: There are no spectator areas.  All persons entering the facility must sign insurance waivers.



  • Schedule All times are subject to adjustment

Event Dates 2025

24 – May                                Event   #1

07 -June                                Event   #2

05-July                                  Event   #3

23 -August                             Event   #4

27-September                        Event   #5



Online Registration is Open

Day of Event schedule

Gates Open                                                                 08:00

Registration and Scrutineering                              Opens 08:15

Competitors’ Meeting    (Registration Closed)                    09:00

Scrutineering closes                                                     09:00

Recce                                                                         09:15

Runs start                                                     ASAP after Recce

We try for 4 Runs prior to Lunch

Lunch starts after run 4 for 1 hour.

3-2 runs after lunch

Event Finishs       (approximately)                                 15:30

Results       (approximately)                                          15:45

       Lunch time and runs subject to any delays

  7. Rally Cross Classes

  • Class 1      2WD – No Side by Sides
  • Class 2     NA AWD – No Side by Sides
  • Class 3     Turbo AWD & Side by Sides


A vehicle may be shared by a maximum of Three(3) competitors provided they have met driver requirements as per RCRR Section 27.3.1 published by CARS.

For vehicles with a high Centre of gravity (height greater than width), such as a SUV or pick-up truck, please contact Organizer to determine eligibility.

Organizers may grant, at their discretion, permission for competitors to change vehicles between runs provided this does not reflect a change in class

8. Entry

Entry: $ 100.00 Any driver who is a member of a RSO Affiliated club. $120 for Drivers who do not belong to an RSO Club.  A maximum of 40 entries will be accepted. Entries are not considered final until payment is received.

All entries will be held in order of receipt.  Please check your entry status

Entry is only available online


9. Technical Inspection

All vehicles will be subject to scrutineering prior to being allowed to run.

An annual Self Declaration form must be submitted for all vehicles.



10. Recce

An escorted recce will be provided for all competitors to view course.

See the schedule for time.


During the reconnaissance, CARS requirements and these regulations including bulletins. Sliding of the vehicle, failure to remain in the proper lane, aggressive driving, speeding, driving in the opposite direction to rally X traffic, or backing up on a stage road are not permitted. The maximum speed limit on a stage road during reconnaissance is 40 km/h unless otherwise posted lower.


Competitors guilty of any of the above infractions will be assessed the following penalties: First offence a FINE (amount at discretion of the organizer) plus a meeting with the event organizer and/or Clerk of the Course to present the reasons why you should be allowed to continue in the event.  Second offence will result in exclusion with no refund.


11. Sponsorship      

Any personal sponsorship or graphics on vehicles must be in good taste.  The Organizer and/or Scrutineer will determine what is acceptable and their decision is final and not subject to appeal

PMSC may have sponsors that attach their names to this event.



  1. Scoring

Scoring will be based only on run times and penalties and will be per driver.


  1. Interruption of Run

If a red “STOP” sign or waved red flag is shown to a competitor during a competitive run, competitors are to stop immediately. When instructed by the marshal, proceed to the finish at SLOW speed. The competitor will then probably be allowed to restart their competitive run. Any practice or excessive speed during this time will result in the competitor being excluded from the run and listed as a DNF.


14. Competitive Runs & Timing

Start Order

Competitors are expected to line up in their start order 5 minutes before their expected start time; Competitors are expected to run within 3 car numbers of their start order. If the competitor informs the Clerk or HQ that they will be unable start at their designated position, an exemption from the above may be granted, but the event will not be delayed and the affected competitor may miss their run.  

Competitors must obey all marshals!

If you DNF for whatever reason, notification must be given to the Clerk or HQ and Scoring.







A penalty of 15 seconds will be added to the competitor’s score if the competitor crosses the caution tape, or hits pylons, tires or arrows used to mark important portions of the course & Chicanes.

A penalty of 1 minute will be added to the competitor’s score if the competitor is deemed to have gone off course during his/her run.

A penalty of 1 minute will be added for a stop box violation.

Jumping the start will be considered “off course” and will receive a penalty of 1 minute


DNF/DNS Will receive a bogey time of typical run time rounded up plus 1 minute. EG: if the typical run time is 1:30, default time will be 3 minutes.


Judge of Fact


Persons at an event who are deemed to be judges of fact
Event Officials
Observation Control Marshals
Start Line Marshals (for false start infractions)
Other Event Marshals as identified in the event’s supplementary regulations

A protest may not be made against the decision of a Judge of Fact. His/her decision shall be accepted as final unless corrected as hereinafter provided.

A mistake by a Judge of Fact may be corrected by him/her with the concurrence of the Steward(s) of event and/or Organizer.


15. Alcohol and Drugs

Before and during the competition, consumption of any non-prescription drug or alcohol by any participant or crew will result in immediate exclusion from further competition and removal from the property. Any person suspected of being impaired by drugs or alcohol will be removed from the property immediately.






16.   General Supplementary Safety Rules and Regulations. Tow Points.


Vehicle Eligibility

As a minimum, all vehicles must comply with current CARS Rally Cross Regulations 27.1


CARS Rally Cross regulations can be found on event web site under RX Regulations.


Tow Points

  1. -All competing vehicles should have tow points installed front and rear. 
  2. -Tow points are to be mounted to the vehicle in such a way to withstand substantial forces that may be applied to extract the vehicle.
  3. -Points should be a fully enclosed loop of metal or fabric with a minimum inside diameter of 5/8″. (i.e., no open hooks.)
  4. -Points are to be identified by a bright, contrasting colour to the main vehicle colour.
  5. -Identifying decals/labels should be applied to the vehicle adjacent to the tow point

Fire Extinguishers

It is highly recommended that competitors carry a correctly mounted Fire Extinguisher.

CARS Regulations are shown as a Guide only. Two fire extinguishers with a minimum UL rating of 5 BC each, must be installed inside the passenger compartment. During installation, consideration must be given to quick release and security of attachment. One fire extinguisher must be located within easy reach of the Driver or Co-Driver when seated. Quick release metal fastenings (two minimum), are required, as are anti torpedo tabs. FIA approved mounts are recommended, but any mountings installed should be able to withstand a deceleration of 25g.









17.Withdrawal or Cancellation

Withdrawals without penalty can be made until noon on Thursday prior to event. After that, a minimum of a $10 processing fee may be withheld. Competitors who do not formally withdraw will not receive a refund.

If we have to cancel for weather or any other reason, we will inform all competitors on the Friday prior to event (earlier when possible)
100% of fees will be refunded in this case. 

 Refunds may be granted on the day of the event at the Organizers discretion.

Drivers that complete Recce are considered to have started the event and no refunds will be issued if subsequently they cannot start Timed runs.

  1. Please be aware that under no circumstances may UMAV (Drones) be used at any CARS Sanctioned event, without approval!
  2. Tires

ROV Vehicles (side by Sides) are permitted to use ROV Tires at Free Flow MX Park